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Lessons in Stewardship: From Outdoor Lab to the University of Denver

Lessons in Stewardship: From Mountains at Outdoor Lab to Campus at the University of Denver

The Outdoor Lab Foundation recently caught up with one of our amazing scholarship recipients from last year. Here is how Outdoor Lab has had an impact on her first year of college:

"My application for the Outdoor Lab Scholarship told a story that I still think about frequently. I missed astronomy night (which was my favorite when I went to Outdoor Lab as a sixth grader) because one of my students had to return to our cabin. Today, I’m so grateful for that situation, despite the momentary disappointment, because it turned into a beautiful conversation and learning experience about grace, understanding, dealing with anxiety, and challenging yourself for both me and the student. The values impressed upon me from that experience have propelled me to navigate my first term at the University of Denver with so much more openness than I could have thought. Having such a positive experience as a High School Leader at Outdoor Lab made it easy for me to be excited and get others excited about the DU’s new mountain campus. The practice of stewardship that is encouraged by Outdoor Lab also paved the way for me to develop positive relationships with the staff at the mountain campus and potentially work there as student programs continue to develop. 

To share a bit more about me, I am a finance major with a minor in business ethics and law, which I feel keeps me more in touch with my community while in a very data-driven course of study. I’m loving learning about the ins and outs of business and personal finance with the long-term goals of helping others improve their financial literacy and bringing environmental protection to the forefront of today’s business world. One of my favorite things about my degree is its versatility. I’ve connected with so many people in the field through my involvement with our Women in Business association or other organizations and I’m so inspired by their efforts to do good for their community in countless different ways. 

One of the most important ways I see myself practicing stewardship in business is advocating for environmental protection. The outdoors are such a huge part of the person I am. Before moving to Jefferson County, I grew up in a very small mountain town and quite literally had the Colorado wilderness as my playground. I loved Outdoor Lab because I got to share the joy of growing up in Colorado. Previously at Outdoor Lab and now at DU, one of my absolute favorite things is getting to share the beauty of the outdoors with people who haven’t gotten to experience it in the special way I have, whether it’s hiking, skiing, or just a simple mountain drive." -Madigan

Our impact this year has changed our community!

  • Jeffco Sixth-Graders Attend Outdoor Lab Annually


  • Tuition Assistance Provided to Jeffco Schools since 2021


  • Raised to Fund Intern Stipends since 2021


  • High School Leaders Volunteer Each Year


  • Students Attended for Free since 2021


  • Raised for Campus Improvements since 2021


  • Worth of Volunteer Time from 189 Volunteers since 2022


  • Worth of In-Kind Outerwear Provided to Students since 2023
